

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $90.00.

M1T or Methyl-1-Testosterone is classified as a “prohormone”, which can be thought of as an oral precursor to the hormone testosterone. Methyl-1-testosterone (a.k.a. methyldihydroboldenone) is a methylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an anabolic steroid used to treat testosterone deficiency in men. It can be loosely compared to a milder form of the methylated oral anabolic steroid Superdrol.



M1T (10mg x60)

M1T or Methyl testosterone is classified as a “prohormone”, which can be thought of as an oral precursor to testosterone. Methyl-1-testosterone (a.k.a. methyldihydroboldenone) is a methylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an anabolic steroid used to treat testosterone deficiency in men. It can be loosely compared to a milder form of the methylated oral anabolic steroid Superdrol. M1T is not technically considered a steroid, or a SARM, but a popular dietary supplement that used to be sold by supplement stores until they were banned as of January 20, 2005. Prohormones gained mass notoriety when Mark McGwire the famous MLB player admitted to using androstenedione during his historic record-setting season. Since their ban, prohormone use has declined significantly, and to some degree has now been replaced by Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs), which are a newer alternative to using traditional steroids for performance enhancement. SARMs and Prohormones are commonly used by those looking to increase muscle mass and athleticism, but who do not want to administer their drugs via injection. Traditional steroids are administered via injection, however, there are now less potent methylated testosterone pills and even topical creams available. Testosterone is generally best administered via injection, yet there are still people who are hesitant to use needles and choose a less invasive alternative such as oral prohormones and/or SARMs. These pills or capsules are methylated to survive oral ingestion in the stomach and are metabolized by the liver before being released into the bloodstream. This process makes all oral pills’ liver toxic as they pass through the liver, however, the degree of hepatotoxicity greatly varies between products. These oral compounds are generally considered weaker and less effective than traditional injectable anabolic steroids, but are still commonly used and their popularity seems to be growing in the performance enhancement community.


● Injection-free administration
● Oral alternative to testosterone
● Improved recovery from training
● Enhanced muscle growth
● Boosts protein synthesis
● Increased ability to burn body fat
● Enhanced libido
● Increased nitrogen retention
● Increased bone density
● Increased testosterone levels


● 5 hours

Possible Dosage & Cycle Length:

● Men @ 20-40 mg/day
● Not recommended for female administration

Related Products:

● RAD140, MK-2866, LGD-4033, Oral Primobolan


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